Baikie shoots the lights out at Eastern Star


PSC golf from the Billabong Golf Group

Wednesday, May 14, Green Valley – Stableford

Another hot day at Green valley, but the course was in great condition as it was being prepared for the pro tournament the following week.

With seven groups playing we got off to an early start and were back in before any rain threatened us.  We completed te round in just under four hours, which is great and we had no hold ups anywhere.

Before we went out to play today Geoff Ryves that the course here must be playing easy as every group coming here of late was returning scores in the 40s, and it happened today also.

There were some great scores with plenty of 39s & 38s but not good enough today I’m afraid as it took 40 points just to get fourth spot, that going to Bob Philp.  Third place went to Kevin Hamilton on 42 points, Stan Stoker got second with 44, yes, that’s right, second, but it was only on a count back with the top spot being taken by Jack Butler.  Jack’s 24 points on the back nine to Stan’s 23 just made the difference.

There were four ‘2’s today coming from Stan Stoker, Bob Finley, Kevin Hamilton and Vincent Smyth.

Friday, May 16, Eastern Star – Stableford

Eastern Star today with just a small group and we fairly sped around the course, being showered and sitting down with a beer in the clubhouse barely three hours after we set off.

The course was in great shape and the greens were true and fast for some and a bit slow for others; imagine leaving birdie putts short on more than one occasion – no names mentioned through fear of retribution.

We had a stand out score today with a magnificent return of 45 points from John Baikie to take the line honours ahead of Brian Maddox in second with 38, his best round for a long time.  Brian also recorded the only ‘2 of the day.

Note:  The Billabong is situated just off Siam Country Club Road looking straight down Lake Mabprachan.  Give Bob a call on 082 204 3411 if you are looking for a game.