Pattaya’s Royal Garden is crowded by booster seekers

A long line snakes past the information booth in Royal Garden Plaza.

Hundreds of Thais and foreign nationals are queuing daily at the Royal Garden’s first floor, free vaccination center run under local authority auspices. It’s open daily 11.00-15.00 hours with registration the first step. Ask at the information desk, pictured, for the procedure.

The center is open for first, second or booster anti-Covid jabs. Booster vaccine is mostly Pfizer. Expect to spend several hours there. After registration you might be vaccinated that day or, more likely, given a future time.

The Jomtien outdoor sports stadium is no longer operating as a vaccination center and the facility has moved to Banglamung hospital. But jabs there are for Thais only according to a nurse in a phone conversation. For those who are registered (or wish to) and have paid around 1,600 baht, Moderna boosters are being given at several private sector hospitals in Chonburi province over the next three months.

Registered patients await their free shot paid for by the Thai authorities.