Interior Ministry is preparing the next fiscal year’s budget plan


BANGKOK, 18 June 2014, – The Ministry of the Interior is urging all of its units to finalize their next fiscal year’s budget plan. 

The Interior Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Wibul Sanguanpong said that his agency would soon disburse what remains of the 2014 allocations while drafting the 2015 budget plan. He underlined that new fiscal year’s budget plan would conform to the Budget Bureau’s guidelines.

Mr. Wibul added that the ministry’s senior officials, civil servants, and state enterprises would attend the budget meeting, in order to draft an appropriate plan.

Meanwhile, the ministry has also assessed the National Council for Peace and Order’s provincial reconciliation drive, saying that aspects of the campaign would be evaluated in terms of quantity and need. The outcome would be released within a couple of days.

Mr. Wibul stated that his ministry will enter discussions on the national reform plan which includes the establishment of Job Fairs, with the Reconciliation Center and the Ministry of Labor, pointing out that the events would be held in all regions with the aim of building unity and reconciliation in the country.