Pattaya luxury home damaged by canal flooding

Heavy rain during a recent storm caused water to wash out the land under a kitchen wall.

Flooding damaged a Pattaya luxury home, collapsing a kitchen wall.

Homeowner Kedsarin Rattanakiri said she bought the house in Maydown Smart Living Village from the previous owner about two years ago. At the time, Kedsarin, a doctor at a private Pattaya hospital, never paid for a survey of the land and construction of the house, trusting that since it was a “luxury” home, it would be sound.

She knows better now.

The 11-million-baht home is built next to a canal, which occasionally floods. During a storm Jan. 20, water washed out the land under a kitchen wall, causing it to collapse. Damage was estimated at 500,000 baht.

Kedsarin called Nongprue Subdistrict and police for help as there were older people in the house and she feared more of the structure would collapse.

Berkchai Nillapanan, Nongprue’s engineering director, brought a team to inspect and recommended ways to help Kedsarin.

Damage was estimated at 500,000 baht.