Thailand terminates biodiesel B10 on expensive palm oil

EPAC resolved to terminate biodiesel B10 and introduce biodiesel B5 due to the high price of palm oil.

The Energy Policy Administration Committee (EPAC) resolved to terminate biodiesel B10 and introduce biodiesel B5 due to the high price of palm oil.

Energy Minister Supattanapong Punmeechaow, as head of the committee, said that the higher prices of crude oil and purified biodiesel (B100) raised the cost of local diesel and affected people’s cost of living.

To cope with the impacts, the committee reduced the content of palm oil-based methyl ester in diesel to 5% from Feb 5 to March 31 and terminated biodiesel B10.

Besides, the committee ordered the sales of biodiesel B7 and B20 for heavy trucks from this year to next year and from 2024 onwards only biodiesel B7 would be available for heavy trucks. (TNA)

Supattanapong said that the higher prices of crude oil and purified biodiesel (B100) raised the cost of local diesel and affected people’s cost of living.