Police attempt to combat gun crime during election period


Police are concerned with the campaigning by electoral candidate that persons offering ‘guns for hire’ maybe on the increase.

On June the 1st with a list of suspects and search warrants they carried out a sweep to look for those in possession of lethal weapons.

Top of their list was 23 year old Maka Boonsanguan who had recently been charged in a shooting incident but had been released on bail his record showed that he was likely to re-offend.

Another stash of guns are found in PattayaAnother stash of guns are found in Pattaya

In his room police found a pistol and a number of bullets and 2 air-guns. Maka admitted that he bought the weapons from a friend a long time ago.

Police also raided another residence and seized three hand guns and some ammunition. Surprisingly no one was seen or arrested at the house as police said they had escaped before the officers arrived.

If the police can’t catch these criminals who can and when can the residents of Pattaya sleep soundly in their beds at night.

Police attempt to combat gun crime during election period