Mailbag: Abandoned dogs


Dear Editor,

On a recent visit to Pattaya, I was saddened to witness the increase in the numbers of abandoned dogs, which I suspect was caused by many people leaving Pattaya and returning to their home provinces due to the problems caused by Covid, and regrettably leaving their pets to fend for themselves.

I joined a couple of local people who give generously of their resources in time and expense in trying to provide some food and water for these unfortunate creatures but with the number of dogs involved the task is very difficult and at times haphazard. I make an urgent appeal to others, and particularly hotels/restaurants with spare food, to please assist and coordinate with this deserving cause.

As examples of my personal experiences-

On the road on Pratamnak Hill, leading from the police box to the Royal Cliff Hotel, there are three small water buckets in place and on a recent Sunday of 93 F., I found the containers totally drained of water and the dogs in distress. I had to personally set about providing water for the poor parched animals.

I make a special appeal for assistance for a black female dog (in poor coat condition) who is catering for three small pups (which she normally keeps hidden). This mother is very nervous of humans and of other dogs and is unlikely to get food unless some caring people try to give her individual attention. She used to operate alone at night half way up the road (just before the fifth of the six main street lights and near a water bucket) and in that area was getting some food mainly from me, but when she comes to mix with the other dogs at the start of the road she hardly gets a bite to eat. I have found this poor animal actually starving-this is a shame!

There are three beautiful light brown dogs (probably litter brother/sisters) nearer to the Royal Cliff Hotel. I noted their close friendship and consideration of each other when availing of provided food. They would make wonderful family pets.

There is one magnificent big dog near the start of the road. He wears a collar, obviously put on by his former family owners and is most friendly.

None of the dogs on this road are in any way cross and are very safe, although a few are nervous of people.

I ask your esteemed newspaper to highlight the plight of these defensive creatures and to urge your readers to respond to this crisis.

