Southern security structure adjusted to solve decade-long violence


BANGKOK, 1 July 2014  – A meeting of security agencies responsible for southern solutions has acknowledged the planned change to the structure of efforts to address the violence in the region, with a focus on work integration of all sides and maintenance of peace talks with the BRN separatists.

The meeting was the first by the working group on acceleration of southern solutions appointed by the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) Chief.

Colonel Banpot Poonpien, Spokesperson of the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC), said after the meeting that the working group chaired by Deputy Army Commander in Chief General Udomdej Sitabutr, acknowledged a new guideline in which the budgeting plans of units involved, namely the National Security Council, the Southern Border Provinces Administration Center and the ISOC will be integrated. The move will allow solution efforts to be implemented in line with the direction of the current administration.

Besides, Col. Banpot said judicial units will be included in the move to expedite the southern solutions. Details of the work integration will be discussed in the next meeting of the working group.

He cited General Udomdej as saying that the Army would continue peace talks with the BRN separatists, although with a possible change to patterns and details of the approach. He said understanding among the locals must be made before any agreement or roadmap on peace process is concluded.