Thailand sets special exam venues for students with COVID

TCAS manager Assoc Prof Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut said the special venues would be organized for the students who were green-coded COVID-19 patients and at-risk students.

The Council of University Presidents of Thailand plans special examination venues of the Thai University Central Admission System (TCAS) for students who have COVID-19 and registration for the examination was scheduled for March 7-19 at

TCAS manager Assoc Prof Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut said the special venues would be organized for the students who were green-coded COVID-19 patients and at-risk students.

The venues will be at Thammasat University, Maejo University, KhonKaen University, Suranaree University of Technology, Walailak University, Prince of Songkla University and a special venue in Chanthaburi province.
They will add to 213 normal examination venues in 77 provinces.

Assoc Prof Chalie estimated that COVID-19 was confirmed with about 0.4% or 730 students of the 180,000 students who registered for the university admission examination. Infected and at-risk students can register for the examination at the special venues 24 hours before each day of examination at and The registration was set from March 7 to 19 and the last day of the examination will be on March 20.

At the special venues, infected and at-risk students will be clearly separated as their desks will be placed two meters apart in all directions. Supervisors will wear protective gear while handing and collecting answer sheets and will monitor examination via CCTV. (TNA)