Ranong Industries opposes any kind of human trafficking


RANONG, 1 July 2014  –The President of Ranong Federal Industries says the USA’s ranking of Thailand on the significant third level, because of alleged inaction on human trafficking, could create a barrier to Thai exports.

Ranong Province has already felt the effects of this situation as reported by some important exporters to the USA. The President of Ranong Federal Industries has expressed concern about the image of the Thai fishing and agricultural industries, since the claim reduces international confidence.

The business leader has reiterated his group’s stand against all types of illegal labor, especially that involving human trafficking.

Ranong Province has now informed traders overseas of the migrant workers’ administration process, and the strengthened laws against human trafficking in Thailand; it has also publicized the migrant registration service at the new one stop border service, that reduces time and expense in the registration of legal laborers, and the entrepreneurs employing them.