Community leaders given training in child protection


Leaders from 42 Pattaya communities were introduced to the World Vision Foundation of Thailand’s Child Protection System Program as a way to solve local youth-related problems in the community.

Foundation representative Chalika Haninnee said the way to control and solve drug problems is for people to keep a close watch on their community and provide information to authorities.

World Vision Foundation of Thailand representative Chalika Haninnee (back right) talks to community leaders about protecting their children.World Vision Foundation of Thailand representative Chalika Haninnee (back right) talks to community leaders about protecting their children.

Chalika said that the program’s solution to community poverty, child abandonment and child abuse, was through job creation based upon each community’s skills.

Members of the communities would be encouraged to use their free time in a useful way and to supplement their income. “This will also help people to live in harmony and be ready to face further problems together, thereby creating the mechanism to effectively solve problems by the power of the communities and the country,” she concluded.

She encouraged leaders to take this information back to their communities to study, implement and publicize.