Woman sees big snake as lucky omen for winning the lottery

The 1.8-meter snake was squeezed between the gas tank and the rear axle and was too badly injured to be saved.

A Surin woman took a giant snake crawling inside her car as a lucky omen for the upcoming lottery.

Neighbors fished the 1.8-meter-long Indochinese rat snake from under a Mitsubishi Attrage owned by Pijittra, 32, on March 29. It was squeezed tightly between the gas tank and the rear axle. They had to remove the gas tank to reach the reptile.

In the process, the snake died and was buried in Pijittra’s yard.
Pijittra and friends were eating nearby when they saw the snake slither into the car.

But Pijittra believed it was a lucky sign and decided to buy lottery tickets with the vehicle’s license plate number and her street address.

The media are waiting to hear from Pijittra whether she won any major prizes in the April 1 national lottery was the snake just playing an April Fool’s trick on her before ascending to snake heaven.

Neighbours gathered to try and remove the snake, which they did but unfortunately the snake did not survive.

Pijittra made some magic calculations from her car’s license plate number and hoped to win a big prize in the national lottery on April 1.