Despite no post-Songkran spike, Banglamung Subdistrict begins market testing

Residents of Banglamung Subdistrict get free ATK tests at Rong Po market north of Pattaya.

Banglamung Subdistrict offered free coronavirus tests at the Rong Po Market north of Pattaya for those returning from Songkran trips upcountry.

Fearful of a spike in Pattaya-area Covid-19 cases following Songkran – an unjustified fear based on the past weeks’ worth of daily Public Ministry figures – Mayor Jaraywat Chinnawat and Public Health Department staffers provided antigen tests to shoppers and vendors.

A post-Songkran Covid-19 spike – with the government wildly predicting daily cases of 100,000 nationally –not only has failed to materialize, but cases actually have declined by a third.

Rong Po Market users said they weren’t worried about Covid-19.

Fearful of a spike in Pattaya-area Covid-19 cases following Songkran, Public Health Department staffers provided antigen tests to shoppers and vendors.