An adult’s view of common denominators


Dear Hillary,

A couple of weeks ago, a writer, James, did make one very good point on relationships, saying, “The right person for you.”  If as he says, “they are all the same” to him he need look no further than the lowest common denominator that suits his definition of a love relationship.  Then he can write his tortured novel for the education of all us old fogies who don’t know as much about adult relationships as he does.  I see a lot of attitude here.  The attitude is not infatuation as much as “it is all about me.” If you care about someone James it is not just “good party times” it is about truly being a helpmate for that person’s future and yourself being a part of it.



Dear Robert,

Thank you for the very sound advice for James.  “Love” relationships are certainly difficult at the best of times, but there are more traps for the young and unwary in Thailand, than many other places.  Like you I will wait for the tortured novel, but I don’t know that I like being called an “old fogie”.