Monkey business takes over Sattahip Naval Base housing


Residents of navy housing at the Sattahip Naval Base were subjected to some monkey business when a gang of about 50 hungry simians came down from nearby hills to look for food.

Monkeys stole food and tossed garbage cans around housing for the Workshop Department July 28. The animals even got inside some houses and ransacked them.

This little one hasn’t quite mastered the method for drinking out of a plastic bottle.This little one hasn’t quite mastered the method for drinking out of a plastic bottle.

Reporters witnessed some of the suspects, a few even pregnant or with small monkeys clinging tightly. The food they found outside wasn’t very appetizing, so monkeys went indoors where residents had to be sure to lock foodstuffs away.

One navy wife said the monkeys often come down from Laem Poo Chao Mountain. Some residents have felt sorry for them, leaving out food, but that only encourages them to come back, she said.