Lime prices plummet to 1 baht in Chainat province


CHAINAT, 7 August 2014  – Limes are now selling at dirt-cheap prices in a local fresh market in Chai Nat province due to an oversupply of limes being released into the market.

Jumbo-sized limes that were once priced 3-5 baht a piece a couple of weeks ago have fallen to just 1 baht per fruit. A few vendors have even provided offered a few limes to their customers for free once they have purchased a certain number of limes.

Pranee Phuwong, a local lime vendor, said that the falling prices of limes were due to an overproduction of these fruits. She revealed that at least 2 tons of limes are saturating the market each day, forcing their prices to decline sharply.

Some vendors have also taken the initiative to make lime juice packaged in bottles, which will be sold to customers when limes are out of the market.