Free parking in ‘Zone C’ at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport during July long holidays

Zone C is designated for long-term parking and can accommodate 718 vehicles and it will be free of charge during AsanhaBucha and Buddhist Lent, from midnight on July 12 to midnight on July 18, and during His Majesty the King’s birthday anniversary week, from midnight on July 27 to midnight on August 1.

To promote tourism and alleviate the financial burden of travelers,Suvarnabhumi Airport has announced that it will provide free parking in Zone C during two sets of long holidays in July.

Airport officials said parking will be free during AsanhaBucha and Buddhist Lent, from midnight on July 12 to midnight on July 18, and during His Majesty the King’s birthday anniversary week, from midnight on July 27 to midnight on August 1.

According to Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT), Zone C is designated for long-term parking and can accommodate 718 vehicles.

Additionally, the airport will offer a free shuttle bus service between the parking lot and passenger terminals.

AOT urged passengers to arrive at the airport at least three hours prior to the departure time for international flights and at least two hours prior to the departure time for domestic flights, as it anticipates a large number of travelers during the long holidays.

For more information on the offer, call hotline 1722 or 02-132-9511. (PRD)