More patients with mild Covid-19 conditionsin Thailand register for telemedicine service

According to NHSO Deputy Secretary-General Atthaporn Limpanyalert, the telemedicine service has been providing assistance to patients with mild Covid-19 symptoms and those in the “608” group since July 11, with over 5,300 patients registered as of Wednesday (Aug 17).

The National Health Security Office (NHSO) has announced that insured Covid-19 patients can now receive online diagnosis and treatment from doctors via three mobile applications, allowing them to receive treatment more quickly.

According to NHSO Deputy Secretary-General Atthaporn Limpanyalert, the telemedicine service has been providing assistance to patients with mild Covid-19 symptoms and those in the “608” group since July 11, with over 5,300 patients registered as of Wednesday (Aug 17). He stated that, in addition to patients covered by universal healthcare and officials eligible for welfare benefits, people covered by the Social Security Fund (SSF) could also register and receive treatment through these three applications.

Mordee app provides nationwide service for patients with mild Covid-19 conditions, with more information available on its LINE account @mordeeapp. Clicknic will provide telemedicine services with details available on its LINE account, @clicknic.

Patients in Bangkok, Nonthaburi, Pathumthani, and SamutPrakan can register for Good Doctor Technology by following @gdtt on Line or filling out an online form at  (NNT)