BCCT offers its condolences on the passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II

HM Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh on their State Visit to Thailand in October 1996. Her Majesty was guest of honour at BCCT’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.

The British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT), on behalf of its members, British Business in Thailand and the wider British Community offers its condolences on the passing of Queen Elizabeth ll yesterday afternoon.
She was born on 21st April 1926 and came to the throne in 1952 aged 25. For most of the British Community, she is the only Monarch we have ever known. She has been a symbol of stability, duty, commitment and resolve for 70 years which was recognised at her Platinum Jubilee earlier this year.
Thailand welcomed the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh on their State Visit to Thailand in October 1996. She was guest of honour for BCCT’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.
We congratulate King Charles lll on his accession to the throne. God save the King.