Interior Ministry prepares measures to counter severe drought


BANGKOK, Oct 1 Interior Minister Gen Anupong Paojinda said that current data led to the projection that next year’s drought would start sooner and be longer and severe than that of this year. 

He ordered authorities in all provinces to prepare adequate relief measures, including water distribution to drought-stricken areas and suppressing dry season crime such as the theft of water pumps and agricultural tools that would compound the plight of farmers, Gen Anupong said.

Other measures should cover health promotion to protect people during dry season epidemics and waterworks authorities’ attempts to find sources of clean water to serve consumers.

Gen Anupong ordered provincial agricultural officials to convince local farmers to grow plants needing less water.

Meanwhile, local administrative organizations will maintain sources of water and persuade people to sparing in its use.

Drought relief activities will be conducted quickly, adequately and fairly and rain-making may be launched.

The interior minister ordered provincial authorities to complete their drought response plans by Oct 30.