If it’s Monday it must be Bolger


IPGC Pattaya Golf Society at The Elephant Bar

Monday, 6th October, Pattaya was plagued by steady drizzle, but how would Bangpra fare, nestled amongst the hills which so often initiate serious drenchings to the courses in the near vicinity?  Answer: very well indeed thank you!

The Pattaya Golf Society called the rain god’s bluff and played a stableford competition on the well prepared course in dry, humid conditions.  True, fairways were soft with only a little run and approaches to the greens were holding any short pitched ball but an excellent competition ensued, albeit with low scores registered.

One of Pattaya’s iconic golfing sights: Plutaluang’s “Lighthouse Hole.”One of Pattaya’s iconic golfing sights: Plutaluang’s “Lighthouse Hole.”

In third place was Wichai Tananusorn with a steady 34 points whilst Tony Campbell showed he had acclimatised to golf in the province with a gross 79, giving him 36 points.  The winner was last week’s Monday Man, Gary Bolger, again showing his recuperation after recent surgery is almost complete, with a splendid 37 points.

Larry Ang took the ‘2’s pot with the only birdie two of the day, on the second hole.  Ron Matthews and the Busstleton Boys sponsored prizes for the best points total on the par threes and Dave Lehane took that on his return with an excellent ten point haul whilst Tony Campbell, Gary Bolger and Jesper Hansen all took shares in the par five event for their ten point totals.

The non winner’s beer draw was won by Alan Flynn and the Booby Bevy went to Kevin Pross for his implosion after thirteen points on the front nine were augmented by a meagre eight points on the back.  Then back to Pattaya and, you’ve guessed it…rain!

Plutaluang – great VFM

1st Andrew Purdie (11) 37pts

2nd David Thomas (8) 36pts

3rd Bunny Forde (18) 33pts

Following a no-golf Wednesday, due to extensive rain, the Pattaya Golf Society’s five groups looked forward to 10 October and Friday’s trip south, to the Navy’s Plutaluang Golf Course in Sattahip.

The weather started out fine, and stayed that way for the entire day; a welcome change from that encountered recently.  We were allocated the North and West course, which many believe offers the sterner test.  Whatever the case, the fairways were beautifully presented with well-defined lines clearly showing the first-cut; an important factor given we had opted for preferred lies.

Bunkers were in good order, as were most of the greens.  The odd green had sand patches that were part of repair work.  Unfortunately these were not marked as GUR and did cause the odd problem.  Apart from this, the greens were well presented.  They were slow, but consistent and true.

Overall, given the quality of course, the very good presentation and a green-fee of just 400 baht, Plutaluang represents the best value-for-money golf in Pattaya.

There were two twos, both on W3, our 12th hole.  These were achieved by Svenn Lund and Gary Bolger.

Scoring in the stableford competition was modest given the excellent conditions, with only two players matching par or better.  Notwithstanding they didn’t score that well, many golfers spoke favourably about the North and West layout, confirming it as a course they certainly want to play again.

Back at the Elephant Bar we welcomed new member, Svenn Lund from Norway, welcomed back new dad, John O’Sullivan and noted new member Peter Reidy had played his first competition game.

The free beer draw went to John O’Sullivan, who proudly displayed the photo of his five-day old daughter for all to see.  Later, John kindly rang the bell allowing us all to “wet little Jasmin’s head”.  The booby bevy went to returning Scot, Ken Page, his big toe proving sufficiently worrisome that he was prevented from playing the last three holes.