New directory of top tourist destinations in ASEAN countries available for all travelers

Directory Tourism for All in ASEAN to introduce and recommend major tourist destinations in ASEAN countries that possess important cultural heritage, natural resources, bio-diversity, and other attractive locations.

The Department of Tourism, a unit under Thailand’s Ministry of Tourism and Sports, in collaboration with other ASEAN member states, has developed the “Directory Tourism for All in ASEAN” to introduce and recommend major tourist destinations in ASEAN countries that possess important cultural heritage, natural resources, bio-diversity, and other attractive locations. The directory also provides locations with services for the elderly and persons with disabilities.

The directory provides the following information:
– General information of the city or province;
– Accommodations;
– Restaurants;
– Tourist destinations;
– Tour operators and car rental.

The “Directory Tourism for All in ASEAN” is now available for free download (as a book in PDF format) via the link