Stuck accelerator plummets pickup into four cars and house

Thichanyachida lost control of her pickup and smashed into 4 cars and a neighbor’s house, saying her gas pedal was jammed.

A Chonburi woman who backed her pickup into four cars and a neighbor’s house claimed the accelerator stuck.

Thichanyachida Taha, 29, said she was backing her Mitsubishi truck out of the garage to wash it, but the gas pedal stuck. She couldn’t brake and lost control.

The pickup smashed four parked vehicles and ended up knocking down part of a wall of a neighbor’s house on Soi Ban Angkaew in Nong Yai.

Police told Thichanyachida would be responsible for all damage. She returned home to check if she had insurance.

The accelerating pickup backed into a neighbor’s house partly destroying the wall.