Indonesia prone to terrorist attacks: Police chief


Jakarta, Oct 31 – National Police Chief General Sutarman told Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Thursday that Indonesia was prone to terrorist attacks.

Therefore, preventive measures must be taken to avert such disruptions and to maintain economic and national stability in the event of such attacks, he added.

“I told the vice president that Indonesia was prone to terrorism and that we should enforce preventive measures to avoid the functioning of the state from being affected,” the police chief told the press after a meeting with Vice President Jusuf Kalla here on Thursday.

According to General Sutarman, Indonesia should stay alert and keep abreast of the activities of various terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), to thwart terror acts like the Bali bombings.

To achieve this purpose, initial steps and precautionary measures must be taken so that Indonesia is not targeted by terrorists. Such acts of violence threaten the sovereignty of the state.

“I reported the developments in the handling of various terrorist acts, such as the two bomb blasts in Bali, to the vice president,” Sutarman noted.

All divisions of the state should work together to implement preventive steps as terrorist attacks have negative impacts on the countrys economy and disturb peoples development.

Recently, the anti-terrorism unit of the police, Densus 88, arrested a suspected terrorist in North Mamuju district, West Sulawesi province.

“Densus 88 officers arrested a resident who they strongly believe is involved in terrorist networks. The alleged terrorist is being detained,” the Chief of the criminal investigation unit of the North Mamuju district police, Adj. Comr. E.W. Simbolon, affirmed.

The police also seized evidence to be taken to the Central Sulawesi provincial police for further investigation, he added.

Moreover, Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Tedjo Edy Purdijatno earlier pointed out that President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said that political issues were a continual occurrence.

“After the inauguration of the cabinet ministers, President Jokowi said that political issues would continue to crop up. However, I have learnt from my predecessor Djoko Suyanto that these problems can be overcome,” Purdijatno remarked during the ceremony when Suyanto handed over the office to him on Tuesday (October 28).

He explained that his ministry was meant to spearhead the Jokowi government, particularly in matters concerning politics, law and security affairs.

“The Coordinating Ministry of Political, Legal and Security Affairs will spearhead the Jokowi government. Therefore, we will coordinate (with other ministries) better to overcome all problems related to politics, law and security,” Purdijatno assured.