Attorney General Office holds seminar on improving judicial work

Attorney General Naree Tantasathien presided over the event, the 14th of its kind, which featured talks on the role of the chief prosecutor in organizational development while a total of 76 people attended the seminar, including Sudruthai Lertkasem, Deputy Director-General of the Public Relations Department (PRD), and deputy chief prosecutors.

The Attorney General Office (AGO) recently held a seminar on improving the judicial work of state officials from various agencies.

Attorney General Naree Tantasathien presided over the event, the 14th of its kind, which featured talks on the role of the chief prosecutor in organizational development. A total of 76 people attended the seminar, including Sudruthai Lertkasem, Deputy Director-General of the Public Relations Department (PRD), and deputy chief prosecutors.

The course aimed to enhance the knowledge of modern leadership for executives holding the position of chief prosecutors. It also focused on keeping them up-to-date with changes around the world and within society, while improving their organizational management skills at the strategic and planning levels.

In the future, information technology will be utilized to supervise the work of the Public Prosecution Office, including personnel and document management. It will also oversee the nationwide database system.

According to Govit Sripirojana, Director-General of the Public Prosecution, the training also highlighted upstream and downstream work, with prosecutors to work closely with the public going forward.

This means lawyers and prosecutors must support the work of government agencies by confirming that the public has access to attorneys through the Department of Civil Rights Protection and Legal Aid Office. The unit is under the jurisdiction of the AGO. (NNT)