Commerce Ministry rolls out proactive price boosting measures for Thai fruits

The ministry aims to ensure the Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification for no less than 120,000 crops, establish advance purchase agreements for 100,000 tons of produce, and transport 90,000 tons of produce from farms at a nominal price of 3 baht per kilogram.

The harvest season for tropical fruits in Thailand is approaching in a couple of months, with more than 6 million tons of produce expected to hit the market. The Ministry of Commerce is introducing a set of measures to maintain the prices of these products, with a goal to raise the exportation of Thai fruits by 10%.

In a meeting presided over by Ms. Sansern Samalapa, an assistant to the Minister of Commerce, delegates from government agencies, private firms, farmers, wholesalers, retailers, petrol stations, airlines, and financial institutes discussed 22 measures to stabilize the prices of Thai produce, as the Ministry of Commerce is working with related agencies on various aspects including manufacturing, domestic and international marketing, and legal matters.

The ministry now aims to ensure the Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) certification for no less than 120,000 crops, establish advance purchase agreements for 100,000 tons of produce, and transport 90,000 tons of produce from farms at a nominal price of 3 baht per kilogram.

The Ministry of Commerce has also raised its export goal for fresh and processed fruit products by 10% from last year, with a target figure of 4.44 million tons.

According to the Department of Internal Trade, the Ministry of Commerce last year executed 18 proactive measures together with its partners to address fruit pricing and export issues, resulting in a 44% increase in average pricing across almost all kinds of fruit, compared to the figure from 2021. (NNT)