


I was taken aback when reading Bill Hunter’s accusation of bias (PM 10/6) regarding Eric Bahrt’s letters on vegetarianism, since they are invariably entirely factual. One is forced to the conclusion that it was an attempt to hoodwink readers into dismissing support of vegetarianism.

Eric did not claim that only vegetarians were talented; he merely pointed out that vegetarianism and talent were not inconsistent. Mr. Hunter’s claim that only one in a million are vegetarian is, of course, absurd. Several hundred million live in India alone and there are more than two million in the UK, not about seventy as Mr Hunter imagines!

There are a few people who have to eat meat, but they tend to hunt healthy animals which is a far cry from those of us who support a cruel industry which cultivates sick animals, pollutes the environment and benefits the wealthy. Time for a change.

Michael Nightingale