Ryan White, a 17-year old teen from Gateshead, landed in Thailand on May 12 and has disappeared. According to a report by his aunt on Facebook several days ago, Ryan has been untraceable since May 14 and is thought to be in Pattaya. The family is offering a small reward, about 250GBP, is someone detains him “on sight” which is presumably a citizen’s arrest. As regards the trigger for Ryan apparently fleeing the UK, the aunt explained obliquely, “Nothing you could do or say would ever change how loved you are.”
The case has attracted detailed attention in both the Thai and British press, not to mention social media where it has been forwarded and commented on over a thousand times. The Daily Mail on May 18 publicized the disappearance in detail before stressing that Pattaya is allegedly a 24-hours sex destination resort and a latter-day Sodom and Gomorrah. The Daily Mirror reported the missing person file as recently as May 19 whilst also noting that the resort has many British bar and club owners. The implication, also reflected in umpteen social media posts, is that Ryan is vulnerable in such an environment.
The Facebook page has not been significantly updated and two contact telephone numbers appear to have disappeared. However, a separate Facebook page of a Pattaya resident with a keen interest in animal welfare appeared on May 19 and stated, “Ryan … has been found safe and sound and we are on our way home to reunite him with his family.” But there has been no confirmation from the family and the message appears to have been universally ignored. As of May 21, the English press has not picked up on the claimed repatriation.
Pattaya Mail has tried unsuccessfully to find confirmation of the disappearance from the British foreign office and Thai police who, according to Facebook, were informed by the family. Whilst state organizations can certainly claim confidentiality, the total silence is unusual in the case of a missing teen. Apart from the aunt, family members have been totally silent from the beginning of the drama. Several internet social groups and concerned expats in Pattaya are still looking out for Ryan believing he is still unfound. Clarification from those in the know would be obviously appreciated.