Pony Dressage #2 & Pony Jumping #4 Qualifying Championship and Open at Horseshoe Point, Pattaya


Opening Day: Friday 19th May

Horseshoe Point’s first Equestrian Event of the season was officially opened on a very hot Friday 19th May afternoon. Our guests were welcomed with both a song, “I Promise You” from Peter Rabbit and a very apt poem recital, graciously performed by the Children from the Odyssey Learning Center which is hosted by Horseshoe Point. Not wishing to miss the action, the children were accompanied by Horseshoe Point’s very own Diva, MiniMe, our well known and much loved Miniature Falabella Pony.

In fields of gold, they freely roam,
Magnificent creatures, hearts aflame,
Their thundering hooves, a rhythmic beat,
Graceful power, both strong and fleet.

With manes that dance on windswept plains,
Their spirit wild, remains untamed.
Eyes that gleam with fiery might,
Unbridled freedom, a breathtaking sight.

Through time theyve carried dreams and Kings,
A bond unbroken, where trust takes wings.
From ancient myths to modern day,
Horses inspire in their own special way.

So let us honour these noble steeds,
Their elegance, their heroic deeds.
For in their presence, we find our stride,
In the heart of a horse, let dreams collide.

Mark Lloyd
Odyssey Learning Center

A BIG thank you to Mark Lloyd and the OLC children for such a wonderful opening to our event.

Friday morning was spent with the essential Veterinary checks, to ensure all competing Ponies and Horses are fit, healthy, and free from any pain, disease, lameness etc. Following this came the Technical Briefing, which was held by the Judges, to inform all competitors of the Rules and Regulations for the Event.

This Qualifying Championship was held under the auspices of the Thailand Equestrian Federation (TEF). All competing Equestrian Clubs must compete in at least 4 different TEF Qualifying Events throughout the Equestrian year, and at different Clubs, in order to collect ranking points, which go towards the Thailand Championships later in the year. Points can be collected in both Jumping and Dressage. Our Qualifying Event was for Ponies only.
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In addition to the Qualifying Event, we also held an Open Event, where Ponies and Horses can compete against each other. However, the Open Event carries no ranking points.
Following the opening welcome, Warm Up Jumping Classes set the theme for the weekend. With jumps set between 40cm and 100cm, it gave both Ponies and Horses a chance to prepare for the competition ahead.

Main EventSaturday 20th and Sunday 21st May
We would like, at this point, to extend our gratitude to all the Riding Clubs and Competitors who attended this Event. We were somewhat overwhelmed by the numbers. Over 100 stables had to be made available for our guests. Our own non-competing Horses and Ponies were moved out to the paddocks, for a nice weekend break, to accommodate our guests. With so many guests in attendance and, in addition to our own Horseshoe Point entries, we had a very busy weekend in front of us.

Competition was fierce in many of the classes, with very small margins separating the places and, of course, the ranking points. We thank you all for the level of skill exhibited and, certainly in the higher Jumping Classes, courage. Congratulations to all the Trophy winners. For those who didn’t quite make it this time, keep trying, train hard, and better luck next time. Most of all, enjoy your sport.

A selection of the winners are as follows: For full results, please go to the Horseshoe Point Facebook page.

Jumping 50/60cm Open 1st  Place Arada Nutmoonsaen on Assawin for B’Bell Horse Riding Club

Jumping 50/60cm Pony 1st Place Arada Nutmoonsaen on Assawin for B’Bell Horse Riding Club

Jumping 70/80cm Open 1st Place Supinun Jullobol  on Copter  for   Phoenix by KP

Jumping 100cm Open 1st Place Chonlaporn Nuangkota on Rocky for Horseshoe Point

Qualifier Jumping Cat C 1st Place Nattayarat Vorathepputipong on Lucky for Piyachat

Qualifier Jumping Cat B 1st Place Pimsorn Raveesanngsoon on Tammy K for Phoenix by KP

Qualifier Jumping Cat A 1st Place Ploysang Kosaiwat on NoName for Chaengwattana

Qualifier Jumping All Pony 1st Place Nathasha Mekarapiruk on Dyno Van Tereik  for  Phoenix by KP

Dressage Qualifier Cat C Prelim 1st Place Napatchakom Chunsangchantra on Diamond for Phoenix by KP

Dressage Qualifier Cat B Prelim 1st Place Solajjha Banthaokul on Tawin for Chomview Rayong

Dressage Qualifier Cat A Prelim 1st Place Namo De Troetsel on Nesquik for Pipo Pony Club

Dressage Qualifier All Pony 1st Place Solajjha Banthaokul on Tawin for Chomview Rayong

Dressage Walk Trot 1 Horse 1st Place Panpita Nilsiri on Corrie for Checkmate Horse Club

Dressage Walk Trot 1 Pony & Open 1st Place Yue Yu on Roxanne for Horseshoe Point

Dressage Led Test 1st Place Wu Yousen on Sabrina for Horseshoe Point Saturday

Dressage Led Test 1st Place Ruixi Xu on Wina for Horseshoe Point Sunday

Dressage Prelim 1 Horse 1st Place Namo De Troetsel on  El Capitan for Horseshoe Point

Dressage Prelim 1 Pony 1st Place Chonlaya Nuangkota on Oreo for Horseshoe Point

Dressage Prelim 1 Open 1st Place Namo De Troetsel on Nesquik for Pipo Pony Club

Dressage Novice Open 1st Place Prim Pantrat on Destinada CH Farm de Lek

Dressage Prelim 2 Horse 1st Place Namo De Troetsel on  El Capitan for Horseshoe Point

Dressage Prelim 2 Pony 1st Place Marina Choontanom on KM Weeraby for NP Equestrian Club

Dressage Prelim 2 Open 1st Place Namo De Troetsel on  El Capitan for Horseshoe Point

Dressage Walk Trot 2 Horse 1st Place Panpita Nilsiri on Corrie for Checkmate Horse Club

Dressage Walk Trot 2 Pony 1st Place Nada Nopsuwanvong on Opal for Farm de Lek

Dressage Walk Trot 2 Open 1st Place Chonlaya Nuangkota on Oreo for Horseshoe Point

Dressage Novice 2 Open 1st Place Thitinun Sahawat on A Shining Star for Checkmate Horse Club

Dressage Elementary 2 1st Place Patrika Posyanong on Amazing Graze for RBSC Polo Club

We would like to thank the Thailand Equestrian Federation (TEF) for working tirelessly with us on this event in both disciplines of Dressage and Jumping. Many new rules have been implemented for these Championships in the course of the last year. We would like to applaud Khun Meng and Khun Tent, along with their team, for keeping us all on track. The number of entries for this competition, both in Dressage and Jumping, were staggering and required all Event staff working well into the night to process results.
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Early mornings are customary to these events and competitors must be very disciplined to cope in the heat and under pressure. We have Riders of all ages competing, often ranging from 4 years old and upwards. The younger riders are often in Lead classes, mostly to gain experiences, but also for safety reasons.

A special thanks to our Dressage Judges, Malaysian FEI Judge, Wan Ming, who judged the Qualifier tests and assisted with the Open, and the evergreen Margrit Hoffmann, who has graciously judged for us for many years. We are most grateful to them for the long hours endured. These events take a huge number of experienced staff; from Gardening, Maintenance and Catering to Riding Instructors, Managers and Office staff.

Thanks also go to our General Manager, Khun Patnasaya Sinboathong, who continues to embrace this strange new subject of Equestrianism. A big thank you to our MC, Dr. Chakraphad Pitakthararuay who stepped in at short notice and did a terrific job.

And last but not least, we would like to thank our generous Sponsors for their magnificent support:

Maxwin, for their continued and much appreciated support
Pattaya Mail Media, for all media coverage
Gems Mining
Regents International School
B Grimm
The Herd, Thailand
Two Stallions Co Ltd
Leovet, Thailand
Bangkok Hospital Pattaya, for essential Ambulance and First Aid coverage
Vinestovino for the sponsorship of wine and fruit punch during the event
Vikrom for the Ducatim Ice Cream truck. You kept us cool when most needed. Thank You.

And finally, thank you to all the Parents, and the Riders who train for weeks for such an event, and provide us all with such great entertainment.
If you would like to book an event either with our Hotel or Riding School, please call 083 988 7860 or email [email protected]