Natural phenomenon turns seawater green at Wongamat Beach Pattaya

Tourists continued to enjoy the sea at Wong Amat Beach, even after a natural phenomenon transformed the seawater into a striking dark green color and produced a distinctive pungent odor.

Pattaya, Thailand – A remarkable sight captured the attention of beachgoers along the shores of Wongamat Beach in Pattaya on September 9. The seawater had transformed into a striking dark green color, accompanied by a distinctive pungent odor. Surprisingly, despite these unusual observations, tourists continued to enjoy the sea without hesitation.

This captivating phenomenon can be attributed to the annual occurrence of phytoplankton blooms, commonly referred to as “blue-green algae.” This phenomenon typically takes place during the early rainy season in the region and is a natural event that temporarily alters the color and appearance of seawater. The change can manifest in various hues, including brown, red, green, or even murky black, diverging from the familiar blue.

The blue-green algae bloom typically lasts for 2-3 days during the early rainy season and is considered a part of the natural cycle. The presence of these algae in significant quantities can impact the color and transparency of the seawater.

In light of this natural event, tourists are advised to exercise caution and refrain from swimming in the sea during periods of blue-green algae blooms. Identifying the specific type of algae during these events is challenging, and inadvertent contact with the water may lead to itching or gastrointestinal discomfort. The duration of these blooms is influenced by the nutrients and fertilizers present in the sea. Once these nutrients are depleted, the algae naturally die off, and the seawater gradually returns to its usual clarity.
