Philanthropists Dr Otmar and Dr Margret Deter honoured on their birthdays

Dr. Otmar Deter and Dr. Margaret Deter, founders of the Rotary Club Dolphin Pattaya celebrated their 85th and 80th birthdays respectively at a heart-warming party held at the Romsai Brasserie on Beach Road.

Pattaya, Thailand – Respected elders of the Pattaya community, Dr. Otmar Deter and Dr. Margaret Deter, founders of the Rotary Club Dolphin Pattaya celebrated their 85th and 80th birthdays respectively at a heart-warming party held at the Romsai Brasserie on Beach Road on Sept 19. Guests included representatives from several Rotary Clubs, as well as prominent figures from both the Thai and international communities in Pattaya.

Dr. Otmar welcomed his guests saying, “Every day is a new experience, with new thoughts and new actions. Each moment is a new beginning. But every now and then, it is useful to look back and also dare to look forward. Birthdays are such occasions. They are a great opportunity to get together with friends. Margret is 80 years young today. 80 years, is a nice round number, looking for more. Happy Birthday dear Margret.

“And a warm welcome to you, my dear friends. A heartfelt thank you for allowing us to come together to honour my beloved wife’s 80th birthday. Margret is a founding member and Past President of the Rotary E-Club of Dolphin Pattaya International. It is also a special pleasure for us that our grandson Jonathan flew in all the way from Germany to attend this auspicious occasion.” Dr Otmar went on to say, “We arrived in Thailand many years ago, and from the moment the plane landed, this beautiful country became our home. Here we find peace, tranquillity, and happiness.

Dr. Otmar said, “Every day is a new experience, with new thoughts and new actions. Each moment is a new beginning. But every now and then, it is useful to look back and also dare to look forward. Birthdays are such occasions.

“I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our dear friend Rotarian Angun from the Rotary Club of Pra-Pathom-Chedi together with her parents. Your presence warms our hearts. For many years, our clubs have worked very closely together on the prosthesis project in Chiang Mai under the patronage of HRH the Princess Mother.”

Margret responded by thanking Dr. Otmar for his loving words and wished him a Happy 85th birthday which was observed just a few months ago.

Guests socialized and discussed their experiences with community service and aiding the less fortunate. The deep bonds among the guests became apparent as they offered meaningful presents and floral arrangements to Dr. Margaret and Dr. Otmar Deter, two outstanding individuals dedicated to creating a beneficial influence on our community.

Immediate Past President Chanunda Kongphol presents a lovely cake to the birthday boy and girl.

Jonathan Deter, (the tall gentleman) Otmar’s grandson flew in all the way from Germany to attend this auspicious occasion.

Guests included representatives from several Rotary Clubs, as well as prominent figures from both the Thai and international communities in Pattaya.

Margret responded by thanking Dr. Otmar for his loving words and wished him a Happy 85th birthday which was observed just a few months ago.

Guests included representatives from several Rotary Clubs, as well as prominent figures from both the Thai and international communities in Pattaya.
