Bramley crowned champ, Mod takes an early bath


Travellers Rest Golf Group

So here is the news you have all been waiting for, the results of the TRGG Golfer of the Year competition for 2014.  Here are the top ten rankings including number of wins and rounds played:

1st Neil Bramley 12 (75)

2nd Mike Rushant 11 (93)

3rd Derek Thorogood 10 (116)

4th Roger Wilkinson 9 (80)

5th Jim Cooper 8 (88)

6th Andy Rich 7 (56)

7th Fergus Brennan 7 (106)

8th Billy Allan 6 (33)

9th Alan Thomas 6 (39)

10th Poopay Lamthong 6 (54)

Many congratulations to the winner Neil Bramley and many commiserations to valiant runner-up Mike Rushant.  I am sure everybody taking part will be hoping for many more wins in 2015.

Monday, Dec. 29, Pattavia – Stableford

The last week of 2014 got underway with a trip on Monday across the pineapple fields to Pattavia Century and another opportunity to take on those devilish greens.  I can only assume that the two ladies who finished top of Division 1 must have made a pact with the Devil because believe you me he was still out there making proper Charlies of most of us.

Neil Bramley - TRGG Player of the Year 2014Neil Bramley – TRGG Player of the Year 2014

Mod Chaviraksa and Tewin Poopay Lamthong tore up the course and both finished on a quite unbelievable 38 points each and they were only separated after count back.  As a side note, I have to tell you that on the following Saturday Mod played Mountain Shadow and fell in a water hazard, getting soaked in the process.  We did wonder whether her playing partners were testing her out on the ducking stool to see whether she was still possessed by the aforementioned Devil.

The 2014 champion, Neil Bramley, had to settle for third place this time out.

In Division 2, Craig Worley also beat the hell out of the course by finishing on the day’s best score 39 points.  John Baxter, who seems to be getting his name posted in the winner’s circle a lot lately, just pipped Terry Worth for second place but only after count back.

Div.1 (0-13)

1st Mod Chaviraksa (12) 38pts

2nd Tewin Poopay Lamthong (11) 38pts

3rd Neil Bramley (8) 37pts

Div.2 (14+)

1st Craig Worley (14) 39pts

2nd John Baxter (17) 36pts

3rd Terry Worth (13) 36pts

Tuesday, Dec. 30, Bangpakong – Stableford

On Tuesday it was another long trip back to play the normally immaculate Bangpakong, where nearly everybody gets an even chance to post a good score.

Mod Chaviraksa goes for a dip at Mountain ShadowMod Chaviraksa goes for a dip at Mountain Shadow

In Division 1 it was Andrew Purdie who signed off the old year with an excellent 40 points and first place.  Guy Fraser, who was second, and Paul Stanton in third both posted scores better than their handicap.

In Division 2 it was newly married Rod Ewan who not only rounded off the year with a new wife but a win in a golf competition.  I wonder which gave him the most pleasure?  Just joking Rod.  Gerry Swan flew into second place and I am told that John Fraser has never won a golf competition before, and he still hasn’t but finishing third brought him some consolation.

Div. 1 (0-12)

1st Andrew Purdie (10) 40pts

2nd Guy Fraser (11) 38pts

3rd Paul Stanton (12) 37pts

Div. 2 (13+)

1st Rod Ewan (14) 37pts

2nd Gerry Swan (13) 36pts

3rd John Fraser (17) 32pts

Thursday, Jan. 1, Green Valley – Stableford

The new year got underway at our usual Thursday venue of Green Valley.  Needless to say with most golfers nursing a sore head the numbers were down, so only one division was necessary.

Wily old John Baxter got January off to the best possible start by winning the first competition of the year.  The aforementioned John Fraser, who has never won before, last year or this, still hasn’t but he is getting closer by this time finishing in second place.  Joe Stranks, who has won many times before, had to settle for third.

1st John Baxter (17) 37pts

2nd John Fraser (18) 35pts

3rd Joe Stranks (12) 35pts

Saturday, Jan. 3, Mt. Shadow – Stableford

On Saturday it was off to beautiful Mountain Shadow where the sun always seems to shine and the breeze comes down from the hills to keep the golfers cool.  As already stated, Mod Chaviraksa found another way to keep cool by taking a dip in a pool halfway round which seemed to dampen her chances of winning again this week.  It was left to a guy who is always leaving the ladies falling off their stools to clean up on the day.

Barry Wood was the only golfer who managed to play to his handicap on an admittedly very tricky course.  Paul Stanton came with a late rush to finish second with the ever present Mike Rushant showing what a consistent golfer he is taking third spot.

1st Barry Wood (12) 36pts

2nd Paul Stanton (12) 32pts

3rd Mike Rushant (9) 32pts

Good luck to all you golfers for the coming week and if you would like to play a round of golf with the TRGG please phone Fergus Brennan on 086 056 7019 or pop into the Ned Kelly Bar in Soi Lengkee and add your name to the weekly lists which are posted on the notice board.