Don’t knock them for trying to help foreigners



Re: What does this street sign mean? (PM Mailbag Friday, 016 January 2015) – I understand your frustration at getting fined as I got fined too a couple of years back at the very same junction. However, before you go moaning on about some poor Thai guy’s attempt to put English underneath a Thai road sign, ask yourself this… how many European or American countries have a Thai translation written underneath their signs for Thai visitors? None. I can only think of a few European countries that have their native language plus the odd sign with English underneath it, usually around airports or sea ports. So don’t knock them for trying to help foreigners, because it is not their fault you cannot read Thai. But a big clue in the English below has to be “waiting light” not “can go”. The moral when abroad, is: if in doubt, then don’t do it. If people are inpatient and want to pass you at these filter lanes, let them, and then you can smile while they get the tickets.

Carl While