Tak business operators urge governor to loosen oil export rules


TAK, 22 March 2015 – Business operators in Tak province have submitted a letter asking the governor to review the rules and regulations regarding the export of petrol to neighboring countries as the current legal system is affecting border business.

According to local business operators, the strict verification of the legality of benzene and diesel destined for neighboring countries has led to scores of oil trailers containing over two million liters of petrol being impounded and stranded at the border.

Local operators said inability to export their goods has resulted in a severe shortage of gasoline in Myadwaddy town, which is the major importer of petrol from Thailand. They added that the shortage has caused oil prices in the Burmese town to double, prompting worries about a possible rift between the two countries, among Thai operators.

Tak provincial Governor Somchai Hatayatanti said he would talk about the matter with the Myadwaddy Governor tomorrow to address misunderstandings and dissatisfaction that might arise as result of the current export procedures. He added that the impounded petrol would soon be allowed to leave for Myanmar to alleviate the difficulties of people residing in the border areas.