NRC’s public administration reform committee proposes passing of national strategies as organic law


BANGKOK, 24 March 2015 – A committee under the National Reform Council has proposed the formulation of national strategies that are passed as organic laws of the new Constitution.

Chairman of the NRC’s committee on the reform of public administration Theerayuth Lorlertrat told the committee meeting on Tuesday that in order for the national strategies, which are both short-term and long-term reform plans, to be truly in line with the intent of the Constitution and practical for everyone in Thailand, they should be passed into organic laws.

Mr. Theerayuth stated that effective national strategies should also be accurately measured and accepted by all stakeholders.

According to him, all strategies should be in the form of a long-term plan to be executed over 20 years through the collection of public opinions and academic analyses before a medium-term strategy, which runs for five years can be designed.

Members of the NRC have agreed with the suggestion to formulate the national strategies while advising the downsizing of government bodies to help materialise all plans and allocating special strategic budgets for all provinces to help facilitate the reform process.