Foreign Minister resigns after being removed from position of Deputy Prime Minister

Parnpree Bahiddha-nukara, Minister of Foreign Affairs, submitted his resignation from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs on April 28, 2024, to make way for others to take over the role.

Following the cabinet reshuffle, Parnpree Bahiddha-Nukara, who was removed from the position of Deputy Prime Minister, has submitted his resignation from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, citing potential difficulties in performing his duties without a deputy position.

Parnpree Bahiddha-nukara, Minister of Foreign Affairs, submitted his resignation from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs on April 28, 2024, to make way for others to take over the role.

In an interview with Thai News Agency, he stated that working as Minister of Foreign Affairs is smoother with a deputy prime minister position. Negotiations abroad are more effective. However, with only one position left, he believes that work may not proceed as smoothly and efficiently as it should. Therefore, if the Prime Minister finds someone more suitable, he suggests they take over the role.

Regarding the impact of his resignation on various tasks related to international coordination, especially regarding membership applications to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Parnpree stated that it should not be a problem. Plans for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the next six months have been laid out, and he believes that whoever takes over can continue the work seamlessly. (TNA)