Wedding at the Heritage


About 500 members of Thai high society turned out to celebrate the wedding of son of the owner of Pattaya’s King Seafood.

Bhanuwar Jittivuthikarn married Cherdchalerm Rittiron on March 21 at the Heritage Pattaya Beach Resort.

To mark the love story of the young couple, the hi-so guests were asked to wear pink and most did. Mayor Itthiphol Kunplome was present as well.

Bhanuwar is the son of Premrudee Jittivuthikarn, the former chairwoman of the YWCA Bangkok-Pattaya Center and a previous Lions Club of Pattaya-Pratamnak president. The family operates Walking Street’s King Seafood.

The bride and groom light the candles on the wedding cake.The bride and groom light the candles on the wedding cake.

The groom also is a musician and welcomed two respected high-society members, Suporn Chanaphan, his music professor, and famed writer and initiator of a number of social, humanitarian, ecological, and spiritual movements and organizations in Thailand, Sulak Siwarak.

Guests were treated to a large Chinese buffet and a slice of the wedding cake.

The couple cuts the cake with a sword.

The Champagne glass Tower is filled.