Cleaning Service – no charge!


Dear Hillary,

Met a nice bird in a new bar the other day and went back to see her last night, but she wasn’t anywhere to be seen, then one of the service ladies said that she had been asking if I’d been in. What does this sound like to you Hillary? Genuine interest or not? What’s the next move?



Dear Brian,

I spelled your name wrong as I typed my reply. I had written “Brain”, when obviously you haven’t got one, or if you do, you’re not using it! Of course she’s got a genuine interest in you, or what’s in your trouser pocket at least (and not the famous trouser snake). Your wallet, Brian my Petal. She’s very interested in that. And in all the folded bits of paper (except it’s plastic these days) in that wallet. You are forgetting, or maybe you didn’t know, she is in the wallet cleaning business and you are lining yourself up for a good old clean out. Get real, use your brain, Brian. Your next move is to high tail it to the next bar where there are other wallet cleaners looking for Brians with no brains!