Kampaeng Phet central prison signs MoU on improving prisoners’ prospects before release


KAMPAENG PHET, 21 April 2015  – Kampaeng Phet central prison has signed an MoU on looking after and improving prisoners’ attitudes before they return to society.

The Governor of Kampaeng Phet presided over the signing by 12 other related organizations. The corrections department of the justice ministry, has a policy enabling prisons and penitentiaries to collaborate with social networks on the treatment of prisoners. It is thought that for prisoners to become good citizens again, they will need acceptance from society, and will also have to obtain a fair level of working skills to be able to survive in a community, which is something the corrections department can not provide on its own.

The department needs assistance from various related organizations in providing prisoners with skills and health information so they are able to return to the society. Such a move gives them the ability to make a living and look after their own family and not go back to make the wrong decisions again.

The MoU saw 12 organizations sign the agreement to help overcome the behavioral problems of prisoners and turn them into better people. This move is in line with the government’s laws and policies including lifting prisoners’ health and lifestyle standards, providing assistance to prisoners and their families, improving prisoners’ skills and encouraging them to seek employment, while first preparing them to be released back into society and financially assisting them after imprisonment.