Thailand to implement carbon tax by 2025

Thailand will be the second ASEAN country, after Singapore, to introduce a carbon tax, highlighting our commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development.

The Thai government is taking a huge step towards tackling climate change and promoting sustainability by announcing the implementation of a carbon tax by 2025.

This initiative will be based on global best practices and international standards. The carbon tax will start with oil products, set at 200 baht per metric ton, and will be incorporated into the existing oil tax structure for a smooth, revenue-neutral transition.

Thailand will be the second ASEAN country, after Singapore, to introduce a carbon tax, highlighting our commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development. This tax will be levied on emissions at the source, acting as a catalyst to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmentally responsible practices.

The government is also supporting the growth of electric vehicles (EVs), which saw an incredible 685% increase in sales in 2024. (PRD)