Sattahip’s frolicking buffalo’s beach adventure ends safely

Naval officers engage in a spirited chase to secure a loose buffalo on the beach, while ensuring the safety of children nearby. The buffalo was safely captured without any injuries reported.

SATTAHIP, Thailand – A heart-warming viral video recently captured a playful buffalo frolicking along Nang Ram Beach in Sattahip, with the light-hearted caption, “When a buffalo wants to play in the sea.” The clip shows naval officers in a spirited chase, securing the buffalo while also ensuring the safety of a child enjoying the beach. Thankfully, the buffalo was safely captured with no injuries reported.

On August 14, reporters visited Nang Ram Beach to learn more about the delightful incident. An anonymous military officer stationed at the beach explained that the event actually occurred in June. The buffalo had escaped from a nearby agricultural center managed by a naval unit and found its way to the beach. Despite initial concerns, the buffalo was merely enjoying itself and not posing any threat.

The naval officers successfully recaptured the buffalo and returned it to the agricultural center without any harm coming to the animal or the beachgoers. The officer reassured the public that measures have been implemented to prevent future occurrences, and emphasized that Nang Ram Beach does not house buffaloes. The area remains under continuous supervision to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all visitors.