Fishing boat owner arrested for labor-law violations


Naval authorities arrested a Samae San fishing boat owner for illegally allowing migrant workers to captain Thai boats.

The Thailand Maritime Enforcement Coordinating Center Area 1 was alerted April 26 to two boats spotted illegally fishing off Koh Khram.

A Navy ship intercepted the Chokchainawee 22, a 12-meter boat with a crew of 11 Burmese and two Cambodian sailors, and the 10-meter Chokchainawee 11 with three Cambodians aboard.

No Thais were aboard the two boats, which were registered to Sonchai Sienman, a 71-year-old Same San resident.

All the migrant workers were found to have proper work permits but the navy pressed charges against Sonchai for allowing non-Thais to operate the boats.

Boat captaining is a protected occupation under Thai labor law.

Naval authorities intercepted two fishing boats operating without a Thai captain - a violation of Thailand’s labor law.Naval authorities intercepted two fishing boats operating without a Thai captain – a violation of Thailand’s labor law.