Sriracha fried banana vendor laments soaring commodity prices

Ms Sa, a 64-year-old fried banana vendor in Sriracha, continues to serve her customers at the same low price, despite the rising costs of bananas and other essential ingredients.

SRIRACHA, Thailand – A 64-year-old fried banana vendor in Sriracha, is voicing her concerns about the steep rise in banana prices, a key ingredient for her business. On August 20, Ms Sa noted that the cost of bananas has more than doubled in recent months, a trend that has yet to draw attention from the government.

“Before, I could buy bananas at 15-20 baht per bunch. Now, the price has jumped to 35-40 baht per bunch,” she lamented. The sudden price hike has deeply impacted her business, compounded by rising costs for other essential ingredients such as frying oil, coconut milk, and flour.

The surge in banana prices, which has persisted for 2-3 months, is reportedly due to a shortage in domestic supply. Recent hot and dry weather in Thailand has led to decreased banana production, forcing vendors to rely on imports from neighbouring countries.

Ms Sa’s split fried bananas continue to sell for 30-50 baht, despite rising costs. She also offers fried taro, sweet potatoes, quail eggs, and rice flakes, all at the same affordable prices.

Despite these challenges, Ms Sa has made the difficult decision not to raise her prices. “I want my customers to enjoy good food at a fair price,” she explained. Her split fried bananas continue to sell for the same price, starting at 30 baht and going up to 50 baht, despite the increased costs.

Ms Sa’s dedication to her customers goes beyond fried bananas. Her stall also offers fried taro, fried sweet potatoes, fried quail eggs, and fried rice flakes, all at the same affordable rates. “I sympathize with my customers,” she said. “Everyone is feeling the pinch, and I don’t want to add to their burden.”