Bus operator frustrated over public and media blames on older vehicles as unsafe

The operator insisted that the focus should be on the driver’s actions rather than the vehicle’s age, highlighting that accidents can happen with any vehicle, regardless of how new it is.

BANGKOK, Thailand A bus operator has spoken out in defense of older vehicles following the tragic school bus fire that resulted in the deaths of several students, Oct 2. The operator emphasized that all buses in service have been inspected and certified by the Department of Land Transport, urging the public and media not to focus solely on the age of the vehicles.

The bus involved in the incident, which had been registered for over 50 years, passed all inspections before the accident. The operator insisted that the focus should be on the driver’s actions rather than the vehicle’s age, highlighting that accidents can happen with any vehicle, regardless of how new it is.

In a social media post, the operator stated, “Please, journalists, do not focus solely on how long a bus has been in service. Every vehicle is inspected and certified by the Department of Land Transport. The accident occurred because of the driver, not the age of the vehicle.”

The operator further recommended that schools or organizing authorities assign trusted personnel to sit beside the driver during long-distance trips or school excursions. This would allow someone to intervene and stop the vehicle if the driver is behaving recklessly or driving dangerously.

The post also addressed the economic realities faced by smaller bus operators, many of whom cannot afford new vehicles but continue to maintain their older buses with quality parts and regular inspections. The operator expressed frustration over the media’s portrayal of older vehicles as inherently unsafe, stating, “It is unfair to criticize operators with older vehicles when we do our best to maintain them with new, quality parts. We simply do not have the funds to purchase brand-new buses.”

While expressing condolences for the tragic loss of life, the operator urged for a more balanced perspective on the issue, reminding the public that accidents can occur with any type of vehicle, regardless of its age or condition.