Dust levels in Bangkok within standard limits, overall air quality at moderate level

The air quality index from the monitoring stations in Bangkok is mostly at a moderate air quality level.

BANGKOK, Thailand – The Bangkok Air Quality Information Center reports the situation of PM 2.5 dust on Thursday, October 31, at 7:00 AM. The 24-hour average of PM2.5 dust measured was 17.4-34.4 µg/m³, not exceeding standards in all monitored areas (standard not exceeding 37.5 µg/m³). The air quality index from the monitoring stations in Bangkok is mostly at a moderate air quality level.

Related factors (forecast of weather conditions affecting PM2.5 dust by meteorological conditions during October 31 – November 7) show ventilation conditions are in the “poor-weak” range, while the near-surface atmosphere shows alternating open and closed conditions. However, there is still a chance of rain, affecting dust concentration stability. It is predicted that there will be thunderstorms in 30% of the area.

From the inspection of hotspot data (hotspot) via satellite from NASA, no hotspots have been detected with abnormally high heat values from surface temperatures in the Bangkok area.

Friends can check air quality information before leaving home through:
AirBKK application
FB: Bangkok Environmental Office
FB: Air Quality and Noise Management Division, Environmental Office
FB: Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

AirBKK application
And if friends see sources of pollution, they can report tips via Traffy Fondue.