Vietnamese vendors with children soliciting tourists to purchase flowers and candy now everywhere in Pattaya

Foreign vendors and their children target tourists in Pattaya, raising concerns about local economy and image.

PATTAYA, Thailand – At approximately 4 AM on November 12, reporters observed a concerning trend in popular tourist areas of Pattaya, specifically Walking Street and Petchtrakool road in North Pattaya. Foreign vendors, predominantly believed to be of Vietnamese origin, were seen carrying children ranging from newborns to around seven years old, while aggressively soliciting tourists to purchase flowers and small goods.

Many vendors used their children to elicit sympathy, with some tourists reluctantly purchasing items or giving money out of compassion for the children, even without accepting the goods. Others noticed they were being filmed and reacted with hostility, causing them to flee to other areas to continue their sales.

Pattaya’s popular tourist streets overrun by foreign flower sellers using children to elicit sympathy.

This growing phenomenon of foreign vendors selling products such as flowers and candy, often under questionable circumstances, is raising concerns among local businesses and the general public. The influx of foreign vendors, who are seen as competing with Thai sellers for customers, is tarnishing the image of Pattaya, especially as the city enters peak tourism season, including the Loy Krathong festival and the International Fireworks Festival.

Tourists warned as foreign vendors in Pattaya continue to disrupt local markets and tourism image.

Local authorities are being urged to take immediate action to address these illegal activities, or Pattaya risks being overwhelmed by foreign vendors, further damaging the livelihoods of Thai entrepreneurs.