Internal Security tightens relations with Ayutthaya Islamic Committee


AYUTTHAYA, 14 June 2015 – The Internal Security Operations Command has joined hands with the Ayutthaya Islamic Committee to help facilitate the province towards reconciliation.

The Deputy Director of the Ayutthaya office of the Internal Security Operations Command Colonel Ronnawut Ruangsawat has said that Islam is now the second most practiced religion in Ayutthaya province with 65 mosques in the area.

He has said that reconciliation projects with the Islamic leaders in the province have been successful as the leaders are willing to lead the community towards a common understanding and unity.

The reconciliation campaign’s activities will take place on 15 June 2015 for the second year of this project at the Ayutthaya Islamic Committee office. There will also be an opinion survey for the leaders and provincial administrative agencies to observe their understanding of the agencies’ work.

The Ayutthaya ISOC Deputy Director has said that this project is expected to further tighten the relations between people with different religions, especially through the ‘governor meets religious leaders’ activity, which will be held during the Ramadan period.