Farmers begin cultivation after continued rainfalls


PATTANI, 11 July 2015 – Farmers in many parts of the country have begun rice cultivation after continued rainfalls.

In the Southern province of Pattani, local rice growers have started to grow paddies after the provincial irrigation office declared that the current water supplies in reservoirs were ample for farming. Officials are surveying areas along the irrigation routes to estimate the number of farmers before arranging the seed and water distribution.

In the Northeastern province of Buriram, parched paddies have begun to revive thanks to the cloudbursts over the past two days. Agriculturists living outside the irrigation zone are also preparing their soil for the seasonal farming.

The coming of rainfalls not only brought the dying crops back to life but also saved other economically important plants. In the central province of Phitsanulok, longan growers whose outputs were damaged by the prolonged dry season now have the opportunity to make some profits as badly-needed rain waters have given a boost to their orchards.

The Irrigation Department earlier confirmed the rainy season would begin in August.