Plutaluang grandmother charged with child abuse


A Plutaluang grandmother has been charged with child abuse after residents reported that she whipped a 5-year-old boy with wires.

Sattahip District Chief Parinya Photisut, Plutaluang volunteer Sunaree Jabung and other officials responded to a home in Moo 1 village where the boy had suffered more than 100 lashes from wires allegedly wielded by grandmother Malai Wattananon, 55.

The boy, who had cuts to his neck, face and legs, said he was beaten nearly every day by his granny and now believes her rants that he was a “naughty boy”.

Malai Wattananon (seated, far right) looks on as officials inspect cuts to the neck, face and legs on her 11-year-old grandson who she had been beating mercilessly with a wire nearly every day. She has been arrested and charged with child abuse.Malai Wattananon (seated, far right) looks on as officials inspect cuts to the neck, face and legs on her 11-year-old grandson who she had been beating mercilessly with a wire nearly every day. She has been arrested and charged with child abuse.

Police said Malai admitted she hits the boy with cable wires because he steals from others. She intended to raise the child in a strict manner and hoped the beatings would keep him from stealing again.

The child’s father is dead and mother has been in prison for drug abuse for a year.

The child was removed from her custody and placed at the Banglamung Home for Boys after being treated at Sattahip Hospital. Malai, meanwhile, was arrested and charged with child abuse.