Smith sparkles at Crystal Bay


PSC Golf Bunker Boys at The Ranch

Monday, July 27, Mt. Shadow (blue tees) — Stableford

It was a great day for golf at the not so well manicured Mountain Shadow G.C.  Playing from the blue tees at 6,300 yards under overcast skies with little to no wind, the crew was undoubtedly hoping for a better showing than the stableford average of 29 that they posted.  Not a single golfer played to his handicap, and 35 points took first place.

There was no issue with the course that a rake and lawnmower couldn’t have settled.  Fallen leaves and branches were strewn here, there and everywhere, and the grass around the bunkers was high and thick.  Twice I should have been in the bunker but my ball was stopped by the leaden grass.  With one foot in and one foot out, standing at a ninety degree angle swinging uphill at a ball buried in thick grass on the lip, the chances of getting it close were minimal.

Paul Smith.Paul Smith.

‘Big’ Frank stayed away from the bunkers and posted his fourth win of the year, beating Colin on count back with 35 points.  Raleigh took third place honors over Les Cobban on count back with 34.

1st Frank Quinlan (27) 35pts

2nd Colin Greig (8) 35pts

3rd Raleigh Gosney (17) 34pts

Near Pins: Mashi Kaneta, Jimmy Carr, Colin Greig, Lee Butler.

Wednesday, July 29, Treasure Hill (yellow tees) – Stableford

The windshield wipers (it’s a shield, not a screen) were never quiescent on the drive out Rt.331 and, with the downpour upon arrival, bets were on that this would be our first rainout of the year.  Fortunately, the golf gods were with us and after about a thirty minute delay we were off and running.

The course was in good shape and new face Alan Flynn didn’t waste any time making his presence known.  Making the turn with 20 points — he fell off a bit on the back but managed to play to his handicap of 11, and finishing with 16 he won on his first outing with the Bunker Boys.  It obviously wasn’t beginners’ luck and not only is Alan a good golfer, he’s quite the gentleman, treating the guys to a round of drinks on our return to The Ranch.

1st Alan Flynn (11) 36pts

2nd Colin Greig (8) 35pts

3rd Geoff Cox (15) 34pts

Near Pins: Alan Flynn, Gerry Cooney, Rab McDonald, Raleigh Gosney.

Friday, July 31, Crystal Bay C & A – Stableford

With the Golfer of the Month award on the line and Colin up by five points over Jimmy Carr, today’s round was to be the maker or breaker.  Colin romped off with 20 stableford points on the front nine only to lose his wheels on the back, finishing with 32 for a total of 54 Golfer of the Month points.  Jimmy meanwhile hung steady, shooting his handicap and his 36 points today gave him 56 GoM points to edge Colin by two.  Congrats Jimmy!

There were some really fine scores out there today with forty-two percent of players equaling or bettering their handicaps.  Paul Smith (h/cap 3) was at the top of the totem pole with a very commendable 41 points for a gross score of 70.  Beautiful!  Les Cobban (8) wasn’t to be left in the dust, scoring 39 points for a gross score of 77.  Lovely!

1st Paul Smith (3) 41pts

2nd Les Cobban (8) 39pts

3rd Roald Thorsen (34) 37pts

Near Pins: Les Cobban (2), Rab McDonald, Takeshi Hakozaki.

Note:  The Bunker Boys, a PSC affiliated golf society, plays out of The Ranch Bar on Pattaya 3rd road (in front of the fire station, and almost opposite the Buffalo Bar).  We play on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and meet at The Ranch at 9am for breakfast and transport.  Contact Buff on 086 0465091 or 0806055663 for all enquiries or check website: